You may think you are eating healthy for your
whole body but according to the American Dental Association, there are some
healthy foods that are actually damaging to your teeth and gums.
Too much of a good thing, and that includes
dried fruits such as prunes, figs and apricots can cause problems for your
teeth. This naturally sweet treat is quite sticky and can get caught between
your teeth and become lodged inside the fissures in your back teeth.
Other healthy foods such as citrus fruits can
be just as bad as dried fruits because the bacteria in your mouth will quickly
convert the acid into sugars eroding the enamel on your teeth. Oranges,
grapefruits, lemons, limes, kiwi fruit and the humble tomato, yes, it is also a
fruit, should be enjoyed as part of a meal instead of a snack. If you do find
yourself eating dried or citrus fruits without a meal, rinse with water. You
may also want to brush twenty minutes after you rinse as well.
Your dentist understands that sports, energy and vitamin drinks are all the
rage, but most people have no idea that those good for you drinks are loaded
with sugar. If you do have a Gatorade, a flavored Vitamin Water or a Red Bull
make sure that you chase it down with a glass of water.
Coffee, tea, and red wine will stain your
teeth, but so will most dark foods. Drink plenty of water or brush your teeth
if you like spaghetti bolognaise with marinara sauce or have a plate of curry
for lunch. Blueberries, cranberries, and pomegranates can also be absorbed into
your tooth’s enamel, which is quite porous.
These days more and more people are switching
from white bread to whole wheat, white rice to brown rice and opting for sweet
potatoes instead of russets, but unfortunately, even good carbohydrates can
cause problems for your teeth. The bacteria in your mouth love to feast on
carbs, including that wheat pasta that you devoured for dinner. Pasta and the
other good carbohydrates mentioned above can also get stuck in-between your
Potato chips and French fries aren’t
considered healthy foods, but there are some alternatives for weight watchers. Unfortunately,
pita chips, wheat sticks, and low fat bread sticks can wreck havoc with your
teeth. Starchy foods, even the good kind, are quickly converted to sugars and enamel
eroding acids. Starchy foods can also get stuck in-between and on top of your
When it comes to
Healthy Foods, it is best to talk to your dentist who can advise you on the
best Healthy Foods for teeth and gums. Schedule an appointment with your
dentist today.