Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Smoking can cause Tooth Loss

If you smoke or use tobacco, you are putting your teeth and gums at risk. Every time you take a puff or chew, your teeth and gums are paying the price.

According to WebMD, tobacco use does more than stain your teeth. Cigarettes, pipes, cigars, Hookah, and chewing tobacco can also cause chronic halitosis.

Your dentist explains that nearly half of all periodontal disease, the most serious form of gum disease in smokers, is caused by smoking. If left untreated, chronic gum disease could cause you to lose your teeth.

According to recent studies, tobacco could be one of the biggest, if not the biggest risk factors when it comes to periodontal disease.

Periodontal disease is a serious bacterial infection that actually destroys the bone and soft tissue that anchors your teeth to your jawbone. Bacteria grow in the plaque that forms inside the pockets that surround your teeth. Your body’s reaction is to kill the plaque, which leads to the breakdown of bone and soft tissue.

During the earlier stages of gum disease, also known as gingivitis, you will notice that your gums might bleed when you brush and floss. If left untreated, the infection will get worse and break down your gums. When this occurs, your gums will separate from your teeth while forming pockets. The worse the gum disease, the deeper the pockets. The pockets fill with bacteria, food particles, and plaque and destroy the structures that support your gums and teeth. People with serious periodontal disease could have teeth that are painful and loose, some may lose their teeth completely.

According to your dentist smokers have more tartar than people who don’t smoke. This could be because of the lack of saliva. Calculus or tartar is plaque that is hardened and must be removed by your dentist.

Smoking also makes gum disease treatment more difficult as smoking will hinder healing. A recent study indicated that people who smoke were two times more likely to lose their teeth after periodontal treatments than people who did not smoke. Smokers also do not respond very well following oral surgery treatments and are less likely to have success with dental implants because the bones will not heal properly.

If you smoke or chew tobacco call or click and schedule an appointment with your dentist who may be able to help you kick the habit for good. Call or click now.