Friday, July 1, 2016

Dry Mouth Can Affect Teeth and Gums

If you are always thirsty, you could have Dry Mouth. According to your dentist, Dry Mouth is a condition that affects billions of people all over the planet. Dry Mouth is uncomfortable, but most importantly, Dry Mouth could have a drastic effect on your teeth and gums.

Although everyone is different, the majority of sufferers have similar Dry Mouth symptoms.

Signs and Symptoms 
  • Bad breath
  • Horsy throat
  • Sore throat
  • Pain when swallowing
  • Constantly thirsty
  • A dry or sticky feeling
  • Mouth sores
  • Split skin
  • Cracked lips
  • Dry throat
  • Tingling or burning on your tongue
  • Problems with tasting and chewing food
  • Difficulty swallowing food 


The Mayo Clinic explains that people who have Dry Mouth sometimes find it hard to sleep because of constant thirst. If you suffer from Dry Mouth, you may also find yourself sitting in the dentist’s chair more often than you would like, as Dry Mouth is a condition caused by a lack of saliva.

Your salivary glands help keep your teeth and gums healthy by washing away the food particles, debris and bacteria. If you aren’t producing enough saliva, the bacteria will convert to acids that can erode the enamel on your teeth causing tooth decay. Your gums will also pay the price if natures thirst quencher isn’t doing its job.

If you have Dry Mouth, your mealtimes could be less than enjoyable. Your saliva helps you taste, chew, swallow, and enjoy your food. If you have Dry Mouth, you probably know how tasteless breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks have become.

What Can Be Done 
  • Sugarless gum and hard candy that is sugar free can help stimulate saliva flow
  • Nix the caffeine as it will dry out your mouth
  • Use a no-alcohol mouthwash
  • Keep a water bottle handy and drink, drink, drink
  • Look for saliva substitutes that contain xylitol
  • Try a mouth rinse that is made specifically for Dry Mouth
  • Avoid non-prescription decongestants and antihistamines
  • Don’t breathe through your mouth, use your nose
  • By a humidifier to keep moisture in the air
  • Use fluoride toothpaste
  • Schedule twice-yearly checkups with your dentist
  • Ask your dentist about prescription tooth products for Dry Mouth 

If you or someone you know suffers from Dry Mouth, call or click and schedule an appointment with your dentist who may be able to help. Call or click today.