Thursday, December 15, 2016

Do You Have Temporormandibular Joint Disorder

TMD or temporormandibular joint disorder is a painful condition that can cause earaches, neck and jaw pain and sleepless nights, and if you are dealing with jaw popping take this easy test to determine if you need to schedule an appointment with Gentle Touch Family Dentistry in Farmington Hills.

Temporormandibular joint disorder causes problems for up to 30 million women in America. Women are more likely to have TMD than men with bone, ligament, tissue, and muscle problems causing inflammation and even bone dislocation.


Although the jury is still out, some experts believe that chronic grinding or tooth clenching could be part of the problem. If you have had jaw trauma or a blow to the head, you could suffer from TMD. Arthritis could also put you at risk for temporormandibular joint disorder.


If you have migraines schedule an appointment with Gentle Touch Family Dentistry in Farmington Hills who can determine the root cause. If you have ear infections or can’t open and close your mouth without pain it’s time to see your dentist.

Below is a simple test that you can try at home to determine if temporormandibular joint disorder is causing your jaw to lock up.

Open your jaw and put your finger on top of the joint that is located in the front part of your ear. Open wide and feel for the joint move. If it clicks or is tender, schedule an appointment with Gentle Touch Family Dentistry who can determine if your temporormandibular joint is to blame.


For some patients your dentist will recommend less joint wear and tear. Prescription nighttime bite guards can reduce clenching and grinding and may help. In some cases, surgery may help for chronic temporormandibular joint sufferers. Chew less gum and try muscle relaxation techniques or mediation to help you find relief from temporormandibular joint disorder.

If you would like more information regarding temporormandibular joint disorder, call or click and schedule an appointment with Gentle Touch Family Dentistry in Farmington Hills for TMD therapy today.