Saturday, November 15, 2014

Sleep Apnea Could be Deadly

Sleep Apnea affects millions of people all over the world and according to your dentist is a potentially life threatening condition.

According to Web MD, there are two types of sleep apnea. The rarer of the two, Central Sleep Apnea, and Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

Central Sleep Apnea is a condition that occurs when the brain isn’t sending the right signals to the muscles controlling your breathing. Obstructive Sleep Apnea happens when the muscles in your throat relax.

If you suffer from Central Sleep Apnea, you may wake up suddenly unable to breath. You may also have problems staying asleep or difficulty falling asleep. One of the most common causes of Central Sleep Apnea is heart failure. Your dentist explains that daytime sleepiness and snoring can occur with Central Sleep Apnea.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea occurs when your muscles at the back of the throat relax. Once they relax, your breathing passageways narrow causing you to gasp for breath. Because your brain has the sense to wake you up, you will be startled several times when you are sleeping. Some people who suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea may wake up hundreds of times while sleeping. These constant disruptions will result in impaired ability during your waking hours, snoring and daytime sleepiness.

Some people who suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea may not even be aware that they have it. If you have a partner ask if you gasp for breath, gurgle, or wake up suddenly while you are asleep. If you sleep alone talk to your doctor about dental therapies such as sleep oral appliances that can help as heart problems and other complications can occur.

Some of the signs to look for with either type of sleep apnea include loud snoring and excessive daytime sleepiness. If you have episodes of breathing cessation or wake up abruptly feeling short of breath, you may have sleep apnea. Insomnia, attention problems, morning headaches, and waking up with a sore throat or dry mouth could also be signs that you have sleep apnea.

High blood pressure, heart problems, daytime fatigue, especially while driving, liver problems, and complications with surgery and medications could all stem from sleep apnea.

Although anyone, including children, can suffer from sleep apnea, people who carry too much weight, have thicker necks or narrowed airways may be more susceptible to sleep apnea. Men are two times more likely to suffer from sleep apnea, especially if they are overweight. Age can also cause sleep apnea as well as family history. Excessive use of tranquilizers, sedatives, or alcohol could cause your throat to relax resulting in sleep apnea.

If you believe you may be suffering from sleep apnea talk to your dentist who can custom make a sleep oral appliance to keep you from suffering. Schedule your appointment today.