Thursday, January 1, 2015

A Healthier Smile in 2015

Another year has passed and if you are planning to live a healthier lifestyle, better oral health should be on your New Year’s resolution list. Healthy teeth and gums are essential, as your mouth truly is the gateway to the rest of your body.

Web MD explains that poor oral hygiene can cause all kinds of issues with your body. Recent research has linked gum disease with heart problems, diabetes, and even autoimmune disease. In fact, some scientists believe that Alzheimer’s could be related to poor oral health. Brushing, flossing, regular trips to your dentist and a healthy diet are all part of a good oral hygiene routine. 

Of course, if you have been given a clean bill of health from your dentist, but are still unhappy with your smile, ask your dentist about cosmetic dentistry.

Dental veneers, dental implants, tooth colored fillings, bridges, crowns and tooth bleaching are just some of the procedures that your dentist may recommend if you have chips or cracks, or simply want to improve your smile and fill in that gap between your front teeth. Cosmetic dentistry can even lengthen or shorten your teeth. If your teeth are crooked or stained your dentist can help with cosmetic procedures that will make you grin from ear to ear. You can even have your teeth straightened without having to resort to uncomfortable metal brackets and wires with Invisalign

Bonding is the affordable alternative to porcelain veneers and can fix stained teeth that cannot be helped with ordinary tooth bleaching. Dental bonding can also fix chips and cracks and can be used to fill gaps and replace silver amalgam fillings. Dental bonding is especially useful for fillings in and behind your front teeth.

If your dentist has determined that you are a good candidate for bonding, the simple and cost effective procedure can be done in as little as one dental appointment. Using a special tooth-colored composite material that is applied and shaped before being cured, smoothed and polished; dental bonding can even be used to protect exposed roots that are sensitive.

This year do something for your mind, body, and spirit and schedule an appointment with your dentist for cosmetic dentistry. A healthy smile really can improve your entire outlook on life. Call now.